Quality instagram posts will do very little for your business if people don’t see them. While you’re improving your photos and videos, you need to expand your reach as well. In this article, we’ll explore some techniques to make your posts more popular.
Use Hashtags to Increase your Visibility
The major technique that you can use free of charge is hashtags. Hashtags increase the reach of your post and makes it visible hours after you’ve posted it. Hashtags make your post appear in searches and explore pages.
You can post the best photos on your account, but it only takes a few seconds before it’s overshadowed by hundreds of others. Hashtags increase the “shelf life” of your posts.
Having said all these, there is technique to the use of Hashtags. You can’t just slap the # symbol and start adding random tags.
What’s the best way to use hashtags?
It’s essential to use hashtags that are related to your industry or niche. Of course, there are many words that would fall into that category, so how do you know which ones to use? The answer is simple – Research! You can get the best performing hashtags by using tools like AllHashtag. It has an hashtag analysis tool that helps you to test keywords and choose the best performing ones
It’s best to mix general and specified hashtags. Let’s say you sell fashion products. I can tag my post with words like #fashion and #lifestyle. Those are general words. I can also add words like #heels or #wedges which are more specific.
Adding a lot of tags in the caption may make the post look disorganized. It takes attention away from the main caption itself. It’s better to add the caption in the comments after posting the pic.
Tell your customers to tag you in their photos
When someone makes a purchase, persuade them to tag your account in any photos or videos that post while using the product. When they do, make sure you share the post to your own followers. It exposes your business to buyer’s followers. It’s a subtle way of making them recommend your business. Of course, this will only happen if they’re satisfied with the purchase.
Promotions and Giveaways
I know this may sound cliche, but people love free stuff. However, if you want to get more followers and expand your reach, there’s a technique to promos and giveaways. You have to get your current followers involved. One way you can achieve this is to tell them to tag their friends in the comment section, and tell their friends to comment and follow your account. This should be a condition for them to win the competition. Be careful not to make the process too complex, or it may discourage most people. Simply play it cool and watch your account become more popular.
Also, do not overpromise. See to it that you deliver whatever you promise to give once the winner meets the criteria. This is important so you don’t lose the trust of potential customers.
Remember, beyond any strategies you can use, the most important thing is to have quality product or service. Poor customer experience is the fastest way to destroy trust.