We all know that Google leads when it comes to search, but aside from this statistics, there is hardly any research out there about how internet users are actually using the top search engine.
Of course, Google will sometimes feed digital marketers with statistics and updates like, how many people in a location searched for a particular topic or how many videos were uploaded to YouTube including the stats for each video which is very helpful to Digital Marketers.
By having access to the daily searches, it makes it much easier for businesses and marketers to understand the changing landscape of search engines and how internet users are really using search engines to find information.
While Google doesn’t really provide this type of data, we have searched high and low to bring you some top-secret statistics on how consumers are using the power of the internet to search and find products.
By having access to this data, you can use it to help boost your SEO c
Here is what we found when it comes to how internet goers are using search engines like Google-
Secret Fact #1: The Average Person Conducts 5.5 Searches Every Single Day
We discovered that the average person conducts around 5.5 searches every single day. That equates to around 2 trillion searches on Google alone just in Nigeria every single month. This is also not counting voice searches or searches using the Google app or Google Home.
What does this mean for your business? Your average customer is making at least 3-4 queries every single day, which means that you have very few chances for people to find your site.
This statistic really stresses the importance of SEO and having your website or landing pages rank well for your most desirable keywords.
SEO is important, but this statistic proves just how important it is to ensure that your customers know exactly where to find you.
Secret Fact #2: More users perform one or more searches on Social media platforms in a day
Earlier we talked about how the average person searches for around 5.5 things every single day on Google. When looking a little closer, we found that really only 15 percent of people were performing one more than one search.
This means that the percentage of people searching for more than one thing per day on Google is extremely low.
While Google is definitely the most visited search engine in the world, it is clear that not many people are solely relying on it for navigating around the web.
The reason for multiple search volumes being so low may also be contributed to the fact that social media is now a hot spot to find information.
Platforms like Facebook and Twitter offer trending news sections and plenty of ads. With the average person spending at least 15 minutes on Facebook per day, it just goes to show that being present on this platform is a good way for clients and customers to find your brand.
Secret Fact #3: Only 3.4 percent of Adwords ads are clicked during a search
If you are wondering what percentage of Adwords ads are clicked versus regular listings the answer is somewhere around 3-4 percent.
Adwords is known to be highly competitive and this just proves how competitive it can be. Out of 100 searches, only 3, maybe 4 people are clicking on an Adwords listing.
While it may seem that hardly any Adwords ads are being clicked on a daily basis, it helps to remember that Google processes billions of searches every single day. When you look at it from this angle, there is a lot of potential to be had from using Adwords.
Adwords is definitely one of the premier CPC campaign platforms and every business should know the basics of how to run an effective Adwords campaign.
Secret Fact #4: 18 percent of users click on the change search query suggestions at the bottom of search results
We have all seen the alternative search terms located at the very bottom of search results. It’s been discovered that a whopping 18 percent of users were clicking on these alternative suggestions.
In order to use this to your advantage, type in your most common keywords and see what alternative suggestions are offered. Try catering to these suggestions through your copy and headlines.
These alternative search queries are often a result of a lot of data collected by Google over the years and what the most popular search terms based on the keyword you are looking for.These alternative suggestions are therefore extremely valuable to your SEO strategy and for funnelling more traffic your way.
Secret Fact #5: 8 percent of search queries are asked as Questions
Through a research, It was found that 8 percent of search queries were questions; this means that 8 out of 100 searches started with the words- who, what, where, when, why and how.
Using questions as keywords may be something you want to experiment with based on these findings.
You may even want to write more questions in the headlines of your ad copy or on your blog posts to see if you can capitalize from this trend.
So there you have it- 5 secret facts about Google that should help to support your SEO efforts, copy and the keywords you should choose to focus on.
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