SEO vs PPC: What are the Differences?

There has been a lot of debate for quite a long time between SEO vs PPC, which one is the best option for your business. So if you are still finding it difficult to decide which one is best for your business, then this article is your best bet. But before we dive right into […]

How Inbound Link Building Can Increase Website Traffic

If you go online today, you will find many great articles out there discussing the importance of websites for your business.  While this is good advice for every business be it a startup or existing business, most times the greatest challenge is not setting up the website but how to drive traffic to it. After […]


We all know that Google leads when it comes to search, but aside from this statistics, there is hardly any research out there about how internet users are actually using the top search engine. Of course, Google will sometimes feed digital marketers with statistics and updates like, how many people in a location searched for […]

5 things we must know before building your website

Your website is the foundation of your internet existence. It is the bridge that connects your great products and services to the online community that is your market and audience. In today’s world, it is almost impossible for a business to succeed without a firm web presence. Even if you already have a website, reviewing […]

How does responsive design help your website?

Responsive design can help you solve a lot of problems for your website. It will make your site mobile-friendly, improve the way it looks on devices with both large and small screens, and increase the amount of time that visitors spend on your site. It can also help you improve your rankings in search engines.


The fact is, there are a lot of people online who want to connect with you and want to visit your website. They are online, researching solutions, and yes they want your services. The issue is not with a lack of people but the lack of a direction to you

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